Cheers Lost Episode

I was browsing ZooTube and found a clip called “Cheers Lost Episode”. I LOVE Cheers! It’s my second favorite show, right next to America’s Book of Presidential Creampies!
The episode started as normal, with Coach fucking Carla in the ass. Oh, Coach! The theme song plays and everything is just like it always is. After the theme, a hyper-realistic Norm walks in. As always, everyone yells “NORM! NICE COCK!” Coach asks him how life is treating him, and he says “Like I just joined the Gestapo and gassed a million filthy Jews”. As I said before, everything is normal at this point.
Then, Evil Sam comes out of the backroom. He appears to be holding the head of the great Kublai Khan. Sam then stands on the bar and says, “Our people have been controlled by the tyranny of Khan for far too long. But not anymore! The Great War has been won! How about a round of beers on me?” Everyone applauds and chants “Khan is gone!” This goes on for about 5 whole minutes.
Then, Diane walks into the bar. “You’re late!” says Sam as he throws the head of Kahn at her. She says, “I’m sorry I’m late! I was busy sacrificing my dog to Baphomet” “That should’ve only taken 10 minutes! Be on time from now on!”, Sam said in reply.
Norm then suggests an orgy. Why? Why not? The orgy then breaks out: Norm fucking Coach, Coach fucking Sam, Sam fucking Carla, Carla licking Diane, and Diane rubbing herself. Cliff the mailman is recording it with his Panasonic PK805 camcorder while jacking off and listening to Vesti La Giubba; the famous aria from Leoncavallo’s opera, Pagliacci. Poor Cliff was NOT in the orgy, unfortunately.
I clicked out of it only half way through the episode. Not because I was terrified or that I couldn’t handle it, but because


you’re not allowed to view porn in the library. In fact, the librarian is standing over me right now. She’s such a fat fucking loser! Why doesn’t she get a life?
UPDATE: I’ve recently been banned from the library. I am currently writing this via the Sega Dreamcast internet browser.
UPDATE: My Sega Dreamcast fucking broke. I actually don’t know how I’m typing this right now. How am I typing this right now?